Bring back the master schedule pop-out roster quick view window!

The 1/8/2020 update took away a feature in the master schedule view that was incredibly useful - the pop-out window when you clicked on a class in the grid that included the teacher name, number of students enrolled, max/limit for the class, gender balance, and a list of the enrolled students.  Now you can only see the number of students enrolled - NOT the max/limit (which you used to be able to see in the pop-up window), or the gender balance.  To see that max number of students allowed in a class, you either need to go through student enrollment (which is suffering from the problems with the new interface) or go back to the course record - a total pain.

I am incredibly reliant on that pop-up window with the roster, max, gender balance, etc., during scheduling and think it will take much longer (and require much more toggling between screens) without it.  (It was by far the quickest/easiest way to be able to screenshot a list of students in a class while I worked through various scheduling issues, etc).  Fingers double crossed that it will come back! 

  • Megan Morris
  • Jan 9 2020
  • Implemented
  • Oct 1, 2020

    Admin response

    The pop out view was returned to the master schedule with the 9/29/2020 release.

  • Attach files
  • Jeannie Oliwa commented
    1 Oct, 2020 02:53pm

    Thank you...Thank you...

  • Chyrell Cardillo commented
    1 Oct, 2020 12:48pm

    Great news that this has been implemented. Thank you Blackbaud!

  • Terri Rodriguez commented
    9 Jun, 2020 10:36pm

    All of the information requested is needed. It is hard to easily see all of the information needed in one spot.

  • Rick Geyer commented
    18 Feb, 2020 08:50pm

    I would like to have this back as well. The main reason is so that I have one place to go to reference all things related to the schedule instead of having to switch between multiple locations and tabs.

  • Scott Daniel commented
    23 Jan, 2020 10:52pm

    Our scheduler has found most of the functionality he needs by using People Finder --> choose the student --> Groups --> and click Manage in the term desired.


    We never used this before.  It seems to have the features of Manage Enrollment.  I hope it doesn't go away!

  • Guest commented
    14 Jan, 2020 11:59pm

    The manage enrollment button and function was crucial to our scheduling process at our middle school and upper school. Please bring it back!

  • Guest commented
    14 Jan, 2020 11:40pm

    teacher name, number of students enrolled, max/limit for the class, gender balance, and a list of the enrolled students - it is a quick, user friendly way to manage enrollment.

  • Megan Morris commented
    13 Jan, 2020 01:53pm

    Ditto all of the below - course max, teacher name, and list of enrolled students were the most useful for me.  We let students switch between sections of a course with the same teacher between semesters, so as I work over the summer to balance the various sections of a course I was using screenshots of the quick roster from that pop-out literally dozens of times a day - it was by far the easiest way for me to get a quick roster as I worked to resolve conflicts and balance sections beyond what the system can do in the schedule generation process.

  • Linda Lutes commented
    10 Jan, 2020 07:56pm

    Number of students, gender balance, class max

  • Amy Calhoun commented
    10 Jan, 2020 07:38pm

    I used it all the time to see a teacher's roster without having to go through the group finder. I can easily click the box and it tells me who is in the class and what room it is in. I can print a roster straight from there without having to run reports. When I was trying to shift some classes around, it was helpful to see right away which room a specific section was in rather than clicking the edit button and then scrolling down to find it.

    Group finder also doesn't tell you which teacher or period it is. It just tells you the course name and section. It is much quicker to pull a roster from the master schedule page. 

  • Guest commented
    10 Jan, 2020 06:41pm

    number of students enrolled, gender balance, and teacher name..all very important.

  • Andrea Eckler commented
    10 Jan, 2020 05:35pm

    We'd like to be able to see the teacher name, number of students enrolled, max/limit for the class,  and gender balance.

  • Guest commented
    10 Jan, 2020 05:28pm

    teacher name, number of students enrolled, max/limit for the class, gender balance, and a list of the enrolled students

  • Jason McGehee commented
    10 Jan, 2020 03:58pm

    Horrible timing on the release as well. Our counselor was unable to make any schedule changes on our first day back for the second semester. Would have been a better mid-February release.

  • Lorrin Saliba commented
    9 Jan, 2020 10:47pm

    My guidance person was just talking about this today and how she really relied on that data. 

  • +73