On the new transcript builder the access to grades should be selected by years and not by terms

When enabling access to parents and students on the new transcript builder in a term, the grades from terms for last years with no access won't be displayed. It's better to display all term's grades from past years  and then edit the access for the current year's terms. 

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  • Jan 24 2020
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  • Pam Haney commented
    5 May, 2023 02:12pm

    This feature definitely needs to be considered. Having other roles (parents, students, etc.) able to view unofficial transcripts to be used for a variety of reasons is important to our users. We cannot, however, have them being able to see grades before they are ready to be published! Poor design feature!

  • Andrew Teets commented
    30 Jun, 2022 03:43pm

    Most definately this:

    Oona McKnight commented

    The problem I have with this is that I have to select Semester 2 grades for THIS year to get Semester 2 grades for previous years to show up. This will be a problem at the end of Semester 2, when I am not ready for students to see their grades yet.

    The other problem we found is students/parents can go to a previous year transcript and see current year grades before they are ready to be published.

    I think the current year access should only affect the current year grades.

    This needs some serious thinking on what this part of the system is supposed to be doing.

    Thank you for considering.

  • Candi Roberts commented
    11 May, 2022 07:24pm

    Maybe there can be a previous years access, as well as current year terms. It shouldn't be all or nothing. It is very important for HS to have access to their transcripts as they are and still block the term that is not completed yet.

  • Oona McKnight commented
    8 Jan, 2022 12:53am

    The problem I have with this is that I have to select Semester 2 grades for THIS year to get Semester 2 grades for previous years to show up. This will be a problem at the end of Semester 2, when I am not ready for students to see their grades yet.

  • Margie Llinas commented
    24 Jan, 2020 01:15am

    Previous year's grades can be viewed by parents/students on a transcript once the year is completed and all grades entered.  The CURRENT school year needs access to be controlled by terms, but not the prior years.