For the 'new' Report Card Builder and Transcript Builder:
When naming multiple Grade Plans the same name, as required in order to display a single Grade Plan Grade from multiple Grade Plan Groups into one column of the RC or Transcript:
This limits our 'Access' settings options for the RC or Transcript in a way that could be improved.
We would like to only display 'Sem 1' (Grade Plan name) for prior years, but not for the current year until all 'Sem 1' grades have been entered by teachers. However, even though there are multiple years-worth of settings for Transcript 'Access' by role, if we populate 'Sem 1' in ANY year (ex: 20-21) for a role, all years of 'Sem 1' are visible to that role. They just have to access the report from that year.
For 20-21 'Access Settings' to 'Unofficial Transcript', gave 'Teacher' role access as of today (11/2/21) to 'Sem 1' Grade Plan. Intent is that 21-22 Sem 1 Grades would NOT yet be visible
Impersonate teacher and navigate to a student profile. No 'Unofficial Transcript' seen in 'Performance' area of 'Progress' tab
Select prior year of student 'Progress' tab
See 'Unofficial Transcript'
Click transcript, see 21-22 grades for 'Sem 1'
Merge with:
We switched over to the new report card builder and transcript builder this year and just ran into this. This certainly has to be an overlooked bug and not a feature. Please fix!
Will you please merge with the following for 155 votes and counting:
57 votes: On the new transcript builder the access to grades should be selected by years and not by terms
28 votes: Allow Years to be individually published on "new" transcript builder
I will echo that this is a big issue. Grades are posted to the transcript once they're entered, so the only way to control grade display to students and parents (and others, if desired) is by using the access dates. Why do the access dates for the CURRENT school year (24-25) impact the access for previous school years? This doesn't make sense. And there's a setting under transcript setup to display grades in a year only if the dates have passed, but checking that box doesn't appear to do anything. This is very frustrating and I hope it can be addressed (particularly since it appears to have worked in the old transcript builder). Thank you.
Can we get an update on this, please?
Can we get an update on this, please?
Can we get an update on this, please?
This should no require a certain amount of votes to correct the issue. A transcript from a prior year should not list current year GPA or grades.
This is probably the worst! We go through all of the time and trouble to set up each year only to be told we have to go back and delete all of that if we truly want to control what other users can see! It's not as if we don't have to enter the same dates over and over and over ad nauseam for every other feature!
This definitely needs to change. It is very confusing for anyone that tries to access a current year transcript. Grades from prior years should always show.
I questioned this too and was told the behavior was expected.
I feel this needs to change. If you pull up a transcript from a prior school year, you should not see the current year’s grades. Report Cards don’t work that way.
This worked in the Old Transcript Builder. Why did they change it for the New Transcript Builder??? It doesn't make any sense the way they have it set up, yet the response I got from Blackbaud is that "our developers have concluded that this is working as intended."