Report Cards should appear ONLY under associated year/grade level on Academic Profiles

Parents' view for their child's report cards shows the appropriate report cards for the selected year/grade level.

However admin staff (non-teaching staff role) looking at a student's academic profile see all report cards templates listed no matter the year/grade selected.

Access is set for each template for the appropriate year, which does affect the actual grades' accessibility - ex clicking the 22-23 report card with the 23-24 year selected produces a the report card with no grades. But it would make much more sense if it was set up like the parent view.

This doesn't affect teachers' using "Run Grading reports" from their class pages - the correct report cards for that year are available and nothing else.

  • Daniel
  • Dec 6 2023
  • Attach files
  • josceline reardon commented
    7 Nov, 2024 06:28pm

    This is a issue with Parents that are also Grading Managers at the school. Even if they go via their Parent Persona to their Child's record, they see all the possible report card options from years past listed under the current year. The report cards will even pull grades/assessment, but it is not the correct report card. Support says we are unable to make the New Style report cards inactive even when no longer being used because the report cards would no longer be available to run for previous year.