On new Report Card builder, please allow grade plans, etc. to be added regardless of which school they are associated with

We have Middle School students taking Upper School courses. When it comes time for progress reports, parents, teachers, advisors, and the student can only see the grade and comment for their Middle School courses on the Middle School Report Card / Progress Report. I have tried finding them in the Upper School since they are taking Upper School courses, but cannot.  I have to copy the grade and comment and send to everyone via email. Why can't all the courses a student is taking appear on the same Report Card / Progress Report regardless of division?

  • Christine Nichols
  • Nov 8 2018
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    • Guest commented
      September 30, 2021 15:30

      We have this same issue. Many of our students take courses in school levels they are not enrolled in. For this reason, we are still using the old report card builder.

    • Derek Parker commented
      September 22, 2020 18:17

      We were excited to use the new Report Card Builder this year only to find out that it takes a step back in functionality from the old Report Card creator to allow more formatting functionality. It makes no sense to create a report card editor that isn't able to access the data from all school levels. In our case we often have junior students taking senior courses and also we have dormitories that are neither junior or senior and have their own level and we can't add house parent comments to the report card. The old report card creator can access data from every level on one report. Please fix this!

    • Guest commented
      January 09, 2020 16:22

      We have the same issue at our school. And the only way to give these Middle School students a report card with the Upper School grade is to add an enrollment row for that grade level.  That doesn't seem like a reasonable solution here.  

    • Guest commented
      October 31, 2019 15:37

      We are running into the same, hugely frustrating problem. Set your report card to print courses by grade level, AOK...BUT please publish to anyone enrolled in the course.