Make report "Grades by Course & Teacher" available to teachers with access to only their own grades.

This is a great report to get just the current progress report or report card grades and/or comments. It would be helpful for teachers to have access to this report (or a similar one) without giving them access to all teachers' grades. Our teachers would like to be able to print JUST their grades or comments at the end of a grading period. Also, we have a few teachers who help proof comments who we do not want to have access to change grades or comments, so we print comments for their review. Currently teachers do not have any option to print just their own CURRENT comments, they can only print for the entire year. (FYI - Most of our elementary teachers do NOT use Gradebook.)

  • Jo Giesecke
  • Jan 11 2019
  • Attach files
  • Alex Orlebeke commented
    26 Feb, 2019 10:07pm

    This was our exact question / issue today.  This is very much needed!