Student on hold still sees classes in schedule tab

When a student is placed on hold and is restricted from viewing their schedule. It does not show on their schedule tab but it still shows classes on their progress tab.

  • Nadia Saucer
  • Aug 3 2021
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    • Scott Daniel commented
      August 07, 2024 15:11

      Please fix this to hide their schedule (meaning their classes). This was very time-consuming to add students and then have it essentially do nothing except show a zebra when they went to the schedule tab AND removing access to transcripts to our admins (unless they were schedule hold managers). Fix ASAP please.

    • Michael Clark commented
      August 07, 2023 14:53

      This needs to be fixed! Or at the very least, change the Holds setting so it is not so misleading. We found out after student schedules were released that they could still see them. Maybe change the "cannot view schedules" setting to say "cannot view Schedules tab", or something more descriptive? I was under the impression that it would hide schedules across the board and not just in one small portion of their view. Pretty frustrating.

    • Lee Munro commented
      November 16, 2021 15:10

      Ummmmmmm.....BB....? Listening????? Holds on schedules still show classes....hello? You out there? You meant to hide that too, right? Awesome...please fix this

    • Adrian S. commented
      October 26, 2021 21:58

      Agreed, I tried using this in the beginning of August, but found it did no good since the courses were still visible on the Progress tab.

    • Rick Geyer commented
      August 20, 2021 16:06

      Haha! Now Blackbaud knows how it feels when you try to restrict student access to schedules and you have to change settings in 3 different places to do so effectively. ;-)

      All joking aside, we do need this feature to comprehensively work, so I hope we can get this working shortly.

    • Amanda Buchanan commented
      August 17, 2021 15:17

      I agree with Sara's post below. This feature is not useful for us, because they can see all of the schedule info (teacher, block, etc) on the My Day tab. We are not able to completely disable their account because there are too many other functions they do need to access. When we implement Smart Tuition, one of those functions will be paying the bill so the hold can be cleared.

    • Guest commented
      August 11, 2021 19:33

      We just disable their account until they pay or do whatever it is they need to do

    • Christine Nichols commented
      August 11, 2021 15:15

      I have to agree. If the point is to keep students from seeing their courses, schedule, etc. then the restriction should apply to EVERY page where they can see their schedule, courses, etc. Self defeating the way it is currently set up! (And, by the way, after having spent the better part of the summer creating a schedule, removing courses so students and parents can't see them is not acceptable.)

    • Seth Hurd commented
      August 11, 2021 01:34

      Support told me that the Schedule and the Course Pages are two diferent functionalities and Holds only apply to the Schedule.

      Interestingly you can publish the Course Pages and NOT publish the schedule but you can't publish the schedule and NOT publish the Course Pages where the Hold would do exactly what you wanted. If you don't publish the Course Pages then the Schedule won't show up. This was confirmed by support.

    • Sara Link commented
      August 11, 2021 00:16

      There's no point to putting a student on hold to prevent them from seeing their schedule if they can just go to their progress tab (which is the first place they land), and they can see their classes and periods there. It's the same as if they are looking at a schedule. A student on hold that shouldn't see their schedule, should not see the period/block of the class anywhere. The request here is to truly not let students see the periods associated with the classes on the schedule OR the progress page OR anywhere else in the system.