Pending Withdrawals - add filter for reports

I would like to know the number of students to expect for the next school year at any given time which would include current students, incoming students, and students who have pending withdrawals for the next school year. I need to know how many students I can expect to walk in the doors in the fall and without this filter, I have to separately track those students I know will not return to get an accurate count for the next school year.

  • Melinda Michaelson
  • May 12 2022
  • Attach files
  • Brian LeBlanc commented
    12 May, 2022 05:37pm

    Hi Melinda - the way we usually work around this is to delete the next year's enrollment line in Edit School Enrollment and run an advanced list for the next academic year until the point where we roll everyone over and the pending withdrawals go through. (Feel free to message me if you want more details!)

    But I will fully admit that this is a backdoor workaround that we have to implement because of the inability to pull pending withdrawals as their own report, and I would greatly appreciate the ability to do so as well!