Please bring back the "Save and Next" button in the Student Enrollment section of Scheduling in Academics!

Until recently, there was a "save and next" button in Student Enrollment within Academics, under Scheduling, that allowed you to toggle through a group of students after you filtered by grade level or a particular class. That "save and next" button disappeared this week, and it makes it much less efficient to go through groups of students as you have to save and close and then keep track of where you were and then manually edit the next student. I have no idea why this button disappeared, but it made schedule problem-solving much more efficient to have it. Please bring it back!

  • Andrew Gargano
  • Aug 20 2022
  • Already exists
  • Aug 23, 2022

    Admin response

    Hi all, this was a bug and not intended behaviour. The button should be back within Student Enrollment as of today (8/23/22). Thank you!

  • Attach files
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    • Andrew Gargano commented
      August 23, 2022 18:21

      Thank you! I just got this message and checked, and the button is indeed back! Thank you for your prompt response and fixing of this bug!