Pull a list or report of students with Athletic Clearance for a given date

Currently under Athletic Clearance, we enter when a physical is performed. For us, the physical is good for one year. There is no report or worklist that pulls the date so there is no way  you can see who is expired.  We would like a work list that doesn't just say that the physical is "completed" - since we enter the date, we'd like to be able to show the date, not just that a clearance is "competed" or "missing"

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  • May 10 2016
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  • Katie Newhall commented
    January 05, 2024 12:50

    I need this too! It would be great if you could filter the administrative forms listed under the Health Office by "Groups" since the sports teams are already rostered in groups. Then the list could easily be exported and sent to the Athletic Department and coaches OR....... add the physical date that shows up in the Health Office view to come up on the medical card that the coaches already have access too..... coaches have more leverage to get updated physicals because they can tell a student they can't play until it's submitted. Thanks!!

  • Jessica Smith commented
    January 27, 2022 14:54

    We currently do not even use the Athletic Clearance function of this expensive software because of this. We use a spreadsheet. States vary on when their medical clearances expire. Our state the medical forms are good for 13 months from the physicians signature. We can't say a student is good for a certain season as their current physical may expire in the middle of a sport's season and we have to know otherwise we risk violating state regulations causing expensive fines and forfeits of contests. And we cannot ask a student to go get another physical as a lot of doctor's will not do a physical before a certain amount of time since the last one.

    In addition, I would like to see the information included in athletic rosters. A coach should be able to see the expiry date on their athletes so they know to begin warning them they need to go get a new physical. Just knowing if they are Clear or Not Clear is not good enough. They need time to make sure they do not play an ineligible athlete. Doing so can result in expensive fines and forfeiture of contests. Schools work very hard to avoid this.

  • Lee Welper commented
    June 29, 2021 19:33

    There is no functionality here unless we can pull a list and know whose physical date is expiring. We can't do audits of hundreds of students throughout the year.

  • Annemarie Merow commented
    September 17, 2020 19:23

    Agreed! It is very frustrating that you can't pull any list about athletic clearance. So, currently not only do we have to input it into Blackbaud, but we also have to keep an Excel spreadsheet with the exact same info to distribute to the coaches.

  • Austin Ewachiw commented
    November 15, 2019 19:43

    We are in the EXACT same boat. 

  • Siobhan Mahoney commented
    October 28, 2019 16:22

    There should be the ability to run a report that pulls student athletic clearance with the date associated with it. It should be able to be filtered by cleared or not cleared.

  • Gregg commented
    August 31, 2017 20:52

    List/Report should be able to include the status of each component of the Athletic Clearance criteria.  A list for Physical Exam dates is very important, not just for athletic clearance.

  • Gregg commented
    September 01, 2016 07:59

    There should be a report available to the Athletic Director that lists all students that have met "Athletic Clearance" requirements as set in the medical section by the Nurse.  The report should include the student name, roster membership, clearance.

    You should be able to filter the report by specific team or by clearance (cleared or not cleared)