Allow credits earned to show after each school year and a cum total at the end

It would be helpful to have credits earned show per school year with a cum of the credits earned after the most recently completed school year.  Right now it seems that you either have to print it with all the transcript categories showing which prints in an awkward manner or nothing. In EE you were able to total after school year and then have a total at the bottom.  Something like that functionality would be great!

  • Vicky Lopuchowycz
  • Oct 3 2016
  • Implemented
  • Jul 24, 2019

    Admin response

    This has been implemented with the 7/24/19 release for Student Information System in the new Transcript Builder.

  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Jacqueline Koca commented
    25 Jul, 2019 02:35pm

    Hi Susan,

    Yes, this was implemented only in the new builder. The new builder provides flexible options for data, placement and styling that we were unable to accomodate within the confines of the old builder.

    Thanks! - Jacqueline, Student Information System, Product Manager

  • Susan Bradley commented
    24 Jul, 2019 05:13pm

    Is this only on a new transcript builder and not the old one?

  • Amy Calhoun commented
    17 Nov, 2016 04:11pm

    I totally agree.