Need to apply student-based fees to multiple siblings from the Apply Fees & Discounts menu

I can't add a fee or discount to an account from the Apply Fees & Discounts menu if it has already been billed to a sibling.  It is important to be able to apply student-based fees to any and all students on the account.

  • Ashley Kuha
  • Oct 31 2018
  • Attach files
  • Ashley Kuha commented
    6 Mar 06:38pm

    This is still an issue. Please consider allowing student-based fees to be billed to sibling accounts in a past month, when needed. In this example, the school billed a Music Lessons fee to Caroline's account in the month of November, but in the month of March they needed the same fee to be billed to Parker, but there was no systematic way of doing it within refreshing the payment plan as a whole - see screenshot attached.