Ability to integrate a split with Onboard between Deposit portion of tuition and remainder

Currently, we recognize all billed tuition (full billed amount which includes the deposit) over a 10 month period (Aug-May). This billing entry is not pushed until Aug 1 (for all billing activity through July 31st). Prior to that, all cash received is sitting in a prepaid account and will be moved to the accounts receivable side July 1. However, contractually our deposit is non-refundable, thus, it should not be grouped together with the prepaid amounts but rather should be recognized as a revenue right away. Due to the inability to automatically split a deposit amount on the contract in a different billing item we are unable to automatically set these GL accounts accordingly. It would be neat if this feature would be implemented.

  • Friso Kuiper
  • Jul 21 2021
  • Attach files