Send notifications to targeted groups/lists and generate notification reports

Currently, there are only three types of notifications (online payment made, past due balance, upcoming payment due) available. Is it possible to add a general type for billing purpose? Notifications are sent to all people with amounts due. Can we send notifications to targeted group or list only? There's no report on notifications in regard to whether the send was successful, email not delivered etc. It will be helpful to know this info instead of going into each user's profile to check.

  • Jing Jin
  • Sep 9 2022
  • Needs review
  • Attach files
  • Jing Jin commented
    30 Sep, 2022 08:21pm

    Also, after the notification is sent, can this action be added as a note or an action to the biller profile by the system? Currently, the only way to see the sent notification is to go to each user's profile and check View Communications. Whoever has access to View Communications can see these notifications. Since the notifications related to Billing are sensitive, the action note should not be listed with general communications.