Additional field for billing details

In the system we previously used, we would enter a charge based on the fee name, but then also have the ability to add an additional note or description for the parent's to see. This helped streamline some of the process since our Fee names were generic (but the description provided the additional details). By not having this option, we have to add several fee options, which is time consuming and unnecessarily increases our fee list.

  • Jennifer Judd
  • Aug 18 2021
  • Attach files
  • Kimberly Esper commented
    August 01, 2023 16:15

    Parents call to ask what the dates of the aftercare charges are. The notes do not even retain the session name making it a multi-step process to check multiple places to gather the information for the parent. It would be so much better if the parent could see the notes/information entered with the fee.