Tighten security around student profiles in Academics

If I want to hide a students enrollment in something like an Advisory, I would normally do this by limiting the permissions in Group Page Access, as well as change the "Display in Report Headers" and "Display on Directory and Academic Profile" in the Advisory settings. We have a subset of students that are on a full scholarship, and ideally this should not be known by their teachers. We use an Advisory to to log these students so we can give better grading visibility to the leaders of this scholarship program.

Teachers who are also Activity Leaders are able to work around this by going to Academics > Scheduling > Requests and Schedules, where they are brought to an "Activity Members" tab.

On this screen they can "Edit" one of their Activities, which brings them to a list of students in their Activity. The Activity Leader can then click on the name of one of these students to be brought to their Profile in Academics, and then click on the Progress tab to see a full list of their enrollments, including the Advisory we attempted to hide using the steps above.

The current "solution" is to remove the Activity Leaders ability to manage their Activity rosters, which isn't a viable option for us.

May I propose that either the Progress tab in Academics respect the Group Page Access permissions, or that there be some kind of task added to Activity Leader, Coach, Teacher, etc. that can more granularly control who can see groups hidden in this way? Another option might be to set a new kind of toggle when creating a group to mark as "hidden" or "private"?

  • Michael O'Connell
  • Jan 24 2023
  • Reviewed: Need Further Info
Employee Name Michael O'Connell
User IT Admin, System Admin
  • Attach files
  • Michael O'Connell commented
    27 Jan, 2023 02:49pm

    At our school they have no need to manage their Activity from Academics/Extracurricular, so that would work also!

  • Admin
    Jacqueline Koca commented
    25 Jan, 2023 09:02pm

    Hi Michael!

    Would another solution be to limit Activity Leaders to just be able to make changes to activity members from the Group page in the Faculty view? Which would remove the need/rights to go to Academics altogether? Or is there something missing from the Manage Roster option on the group page that is pushing them to go to the Academics view currently?

    Thank you!