School Forms: Link in text element and add a Link and Download element options

Ability to have Link and Download element in the school form builder instead of having to enter HTML.
  • Deleted User
  • Dec 2 2015
  • Attach files
  • Audrey Peebles commented
    April 28, 2016 19:03

    Also would be good if the forms could provide UPLOAD options for users :).

  • Audrey Peebles commented
    April 28, 2016 18:56

    If you review this and are able to get this working before August 15th, PLMK!! I will make use of the features immediately.

  • Audrey Peebles commented
    April 28, 2016 18:55

    Add my Vote!!

  • Vincent Jurgens commented
    December 03, 2015 19:36

    The <html> tags also are exposed in the Printed versions of submitted forms. So, messy.


  • Guest commented
    December 03, 2015 18:09

    Ability to link these forms to the public site for use like Summer Camp registration would be awesome. The Event Registrations are so clunky and old podium :(