We want a list that would show the total number of absences that a student has per class. The Daily Absence Analysis report does not provide all of the information that we would like. On that report, it makes you choose a group and we want to show all kids with a certain number of unexcused absences in their classes. The list, Absence Export does not give us a total of unexcused absence and we would have to count those up, which are time consuming when checking 280 kids for absences.
Sarah is correct. It does not show each class in separate cells.
we would need something like below
Class Absences Tardy
World History 5 2
Algebra 3 1
But it does not separate it in individual columns to allow us to identify missed classes by period. All classes are in one column so when we export to Excel there is no way to sort the information.
Class attendance summary columns added to student list, marking this as implemented.