Add a Reason Left Field on the Student Enrollment Record

It would be helpful to have a field for "Reason Left" on the student enrollment record when they withdraw. If added we would like to be able to pull a list or report with this information as well.

  • Guest
  • Mar 7 2016
  • Implemented
  • Jan 31, 2023

    Admin response

    This was implemented in the Fall of 2020. The field is available when withdrawing a student and on the Core record. It is also accessible from the Student List.

  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    3 Dec, 2020 03:36pm

    This was just implemented this week, but now we need to be able to import all of the reasons.

  • Jackie Gerry commented
    16 Jul, 2019 01:19pm

    We do this under the contracts tab for the student. Edit the contract, check the Not Returning box, date, confirmed by and enter the reason in the Not Returning Reason box. You can easily pull a report with all Not Returning, Date, and Reason.

  • Guest commented
    19 Jan, 2018 05:32pm

    Yes, this is definitely something that we used in EE that we will need in "On"

  • Lorrin Saliba commented
    1 Dec, 2017 05:15pm

    YES!!!! I was just noticing today that we don't have that for tracking purposes.  I report on reason left frequently!

  • Joseph Hollings commented
    14 Nov, 2017 04:13pm

    Yes! And perhaps with an accompanying comment box for further details.