Teacher access to course pages before the start of term

I want to request that the teachers be able to view their Classes tab before the first day of school. I understand that there is a work-around for this, but I feel it would be easier if the teachers could view their Classes tab earlier.
  • Guest
  • Aug 25 2015
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  • Guest commented
    October 10, 2024 11:15

    My understanding is the only way to currently do this is by changing the term dates. I would prefer the term dates in Core be correct, but be able to adjust the access dates.

  • LoisAnne Cefarello commented
    January 08, 2024 13:35

    The problem lies when a teacher has a second semester class but did not have a first semester class so they cannot get to the drop down. They have to use a roundabout that is a bit cumbersome!

  • Morgan Kunze commented
    September 14, 2021 22:09

    I think this is possible, we rolled over classes in the spring so that the pages existed, then gave access to teachers via Group Page Access in Core. Teachers just have to "view other classes" and filter by academic year to see their classes for non-current years.

  • Gary Innerarity commented
    December 14, 2015 15:26

    This would be PERFECT! 

  • Guest commented
    September 01, 2015 19:57

    It's a little awkward setting the terms to non-term dates, but it works. In the end, is there any real advantage to just defaulting the view to All Year?

  • David Gillespie commented
    August 29, 2015 04:51

    We do the same for the fall; our fall term starts on 7/16, same as our year.  But it's still a problem for back-to-back terms because the previous one must end first.  Just as the terms have a "Days to Default" where they extend beyond the end, I'd love an option to have it begin showing in the list of classes a certain number of days before the term starts.

  • Timothy Dougherty commented
    August 29, 2015 01:20

    You can do this.  I opened my teachers' classes on 7/1/15. 

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