In a new year, show upcoming classes and groups in main drop down menus prior to start date of first term

It would be helpful if there was a way to include sections in the Classes and Groups menus for Faculty users prior to the first day of the term once the current year has been changed to the new year. For example, in July of 2021, we would like to see the sections of the first term listed from 2021-2022, which as been set to the current year. Instead, users have to click Find More to locate and open the upcoming year's classes (when they are ready to complete setup for those classes). The users also have to know to change the filter from '21-22 Current' to '21-22 All Year' once they go to Find More or they will still not see those classes. Then, they have to look at the term details for each class to figure out which classes are for their 1st term. It would be helpful if there was a way to have a setting for the number of days to show those classes in advance of the term start date, similar to the setting for 'Days to default' that applies to how long to display them after the term end date. Or, when inside a date range that has no term, show all future classes in those drop down menus with a term indicator next to them....

  • Pam Foster
  • Jul 26 2021
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