OneRoster CSV Support

We have multiple third party tools that support OneRoster CSV files for importing data from school information systems. This is a major pain point for us and being able to export OneRoster compatible CSV files would simplify things considerably. 

  • Curtis Allworth
  • Sep 26 2019
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
  • Kristofer Thurston commented
    28 Mar, 2022 05:56pm

    would be nice if the oneroster implementation was fully oneroster standards compliant, as in contains parent info and the demographics.csv file. Also, putting the current grade level in the Grades field in the students file instead of in the comments field. Several big issues with this implementation.

  • Janet Wittenberg commented
    17 Apr, 2020 03:15pm

    This was released Tuesday April 14th under Core > System Tools.

  • Jennifer Morrison commented
    26 Sep, 2019 09:25pm
