An assessment will STOP (fault) if a student clicks on a picture embedded in an assessment

Presently, If I have created an assessment quiz which includes an embedded photo then when a student clicks on the picture the assessment will stop. Students then have to notify me so I can allow them to continue. This stopping of the assessment should NOT happen just because a students clicks on the embedded photo. Recommend that this condition be eliminated so clicking does NOT stop the assessment.

  • Steven Bailey
  • Apr 21 2020
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
  • Ben Leddy commented
    May 20, 2021 19:03

    We reduced the size of the photo album to better indicate that students are still in the assessment environment and can close the album.

  • Steven Bailey commented
    December 30, 2020 15:17

    Angela Addison: I would like to contact you either by phone or email so as to look at the problem that I see with giving quizzes online. Perhaps the program has been changed to eliminate problems but I want to take you through the most common problems that I see where the program is not responsive to the teachers needs. Please send me your email or phone so we can discuss and perhaps ZOOM together to see what I (or you are missing). Thanks Steve

  • Angela Addison commented
    April 28, 2020 15:17

    We have an assessments redesign project planned. I hope that in that we can figure out how to isolate students in their assessment and prevent them from going elsewhere if the save for later option isn't enabled. I'm not sure what we can do here to prevent them from doing anything i.e. if we could figure out how to lock them out of everything else they can always still reboot which would cause the same issue. We definitely hear you though, and are looking into options that we can use when we do this whole thing over!

  • Steven Bailey commented
    April 27, 2020 16:16

    Trey: all of your answers are good ones but they are "work abouts" . The program itself has to be more responsive..

  • Steven Bailey commented
    April 27, 2020 16:14

    Todd: my students are saying they are clicking the picture itself... and that pauses the system. Some have admitted to hitting the back button,.. but others say no they were only trying to make the picture larger or smaller and as soon as they did that ...poof... they were done. I say regardless of which button they pushed it should NOT pause the quiz.... Perhaps a warning should pop up ... directing them to the right place. Going back means just that... going back to where I was in the question NOT leaving the program.

  • Steven Bailey commented
    April 27, 2020 16:10

    Todd... I hear you BUT as your say kids will be kids... the program has to be more "sailor Proof" ... (my old days in Navy)... it should not kick them out... otherwise it makes much more work for us teachers.

  • Angela Addison commented
    April 23, 2020 20:59

    I hear you @Trey Hoos! We can only do so much right? I did hear back from our lead support guru though that dug into what happened in your scenarios and ironically:

  • Trey Hoos commented
    April 23, 2020 17:06

    @Angela Addison I do my best, but kids will be kids unfortunately...

  • Angela Addison commented
    April 23, 2020 16:15

    Thanks @Steven Bailey for responding! Please also @Trey Hoos reinforce with your kids not to use their browser back/forward buttons and to use the buttons in the test once they're in it. If they back out of it thinking somehow that will mean they can start over that's where most issues arise.

  • Trey Hoos commented
    April 23, 2020 15:05

    @Steven Bailey

    On the page where you would view the student submissions for the assessment a prompt to "ALLOW CONTINUE" will appear next to a student's name. You also will see a button that says "ALLOW ALL STUDENTS TO CONTINUE" at the top.

    You can use these to let a student back in if they have gotten booted out of an assignment because they left the page or clicked on the picture, etc.

    I tell my students that it is their responsibility to contact me if they get booted out so I know that I need to go back and let them in. I also tell them that they should complete the assessments during a certain time (ie. 9a - 4p) because in the evening I may not be available to let them back in, even though the assignment is open until midnight.

    Hope that helps.

  • Angela Addison commented
    April 23, 2020 13:15

    @Steven Bailey here is a link to our help documentation . Keep in mind that we are in the process of making several enhancements to assessments so this will getting updated in the next week or so.

  • Steven Bailey commented
    April 22, 2020 22:08

    Trey Hoos... I am a Newbie... Is this something that I can do?? What option is that when setting up? I usually make the quizzes a one time thing (typically 30 minutes),,, I don't see where I can allow them to continue... ?? or is this just your suggestion... thanks

  • Angela Addison commented
    April 22, 2020 21:17

    @Steven Bailey no worries! Here is a link to our support site you can submit cases, talk with support, get links to KB articles etc. Hope this helps and thank you for bringing to our attention!

  • Steven Bailey commented
    April 22, 2020 19:53

    It definitely is a bug (at least to me)... I am new so not sure where to submit the bug question. If I had a nickel for every time my students did this I'd be a millionaire.

  • Angela Addison commented
    April 22, 2020 18:36

    This sounds like a bug to me not intended behavior. Did you create a support case for this?

  • Trey Hoos commented
    April 22, 2020 16:21

    Maybe one of the options when setting up the assessment could be that students can exit & return without needing teacher's to "Allow Continue"

    This would eliminate this error & the "backspace" error that many students encounter