Report Card Grades List: Remove or flag grades tied to courses a student was from transferred from

When including dropped enrollment status in the Report Card Grades list, and running the list to look for Blank grades, classes the students transferred from are included in the results. When adding the column called 'Enrollment Status', the value that shows for these classes shows as 'Dropped' rather than 'Changed Enrollment'. There is no way to differentiate between classes students actually dropped from and may need a grade entered vs. classes students transferred out of and do not need a grade.

This led to administrators reaching out to teachers about blank/missing grades in scenarios that the student wasn't in the class anymore (teachers of the classes they were transferred from).

It would be very helpful if at least one of the following were added to this list"

• an additional filter for changed enrollments vs enrolled/dropped

• The enrollment status reflecting 'changed enrollment' rather than dropped - similar to the differentiation on the Groups tab of the student's record.

  • Pam Foster
  • Oct 29 2021
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Michele Bella commented
      November 12, 2021 22:20

      it should actually give a choice in a drop down to transfer grade to new class or delete.