Making a student's "Team" directly available in the "Groups" dropdown for a parent persona, not in "find more"

Parents would like to have their child's "athletic team (s)" available to them more immediately visible in their "Groups" drop down, rather than having to dig deeply into the "find more" option, please.......

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  • Feb 9 2022
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  • Claire Broadway commented
    August 24, 2022 15:03

    Please consider this! It truly doesn't make sense that Athletics team pages aren't immediately visible to parents in the Groups drop down. Perhaps something like, at the top of the drop down, the parent's community groups, and at the bottom of the drowdown "Student Groups" with their student's athletics teams etc. listed.

    Right now, the only workaround we've found is to include the direct URL for the team page in every email we send, and to create a tile on the Resource board with all the direct links for every sports team. It would make so much more sense if it was just in the groups dropdown when a parent first logs in instead of having to hunt for it. Most of them give up if they can't find it immediately.