Gender Options

I've had students ask about including Genders outside of the Traditional Gender Binary (Male/Female) in our system. These students are very passionate about what they wish to be identified as.
  • Deleted User
  • Aug 7 2015
  • Implemented
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  • Janet Wittenberg commented
    May 18, 2020 12:45

    Thanks JT, it sure was!

  • JT Amirault commented
    May 18, 2020 12:30

    Congrats on this Janet. It must have been quite rewarding to update the status on this one to implemented.

    Cheers, JT

    JT Amirault
    Director of Information Services
    Burr and Burton Academy
    Office: 802-549-8179
    Cell: 978-877-0004

  • Janet Wittenberg commented
    May 12, 2020 18:11

    Hi Alex, Yes over the next few weeks you'll see profile change auditing, access through SKY API and User Export.

  • Alex Orlebeke commented
    May 12, 2020 18:05

    Very happy to see this added, and the details regarding future pronoun visibility throughout the system.

    What I'm not seeing after adding / changing my pronouns is that these changes aren't listed under the profile changes history. Is this hidden on purpose, or was this just not included with this phase of the implementation?

  • Stella Finfrock commented
    May 12, 2020 17:06

    Thank you. This has been a long time coming.

  • Rick Geyer commented
    May 12, 2020 15:22

    Thanks for all your work on this Janet and team. We appreciate the approach that was taken to making sure this change could address everyone's needs. :-)

  • Janet Wittenberg commented
    May 12, 2020 14:30

    I'm very happy to announce today we have implemented a configurable Gender list under Core > Users > User Profile Settings. This will control the drop down lists on the Contact Card / General Information and for use in filters on lists. We also added an optional default pronoun. If that is set on the Gender table, it will be set by default for users when they pick a gender on the Contact Card / General information. Like Gender, the pronouns field is controlled by profile publish settings under Core > Security > Profile Access. This gives you control over which roles can even see the field or edit it, including users about each other. If visible to users, they can control their own privacy settings under their Account Profile > Settings > Privacy.
    Stay tuned for corresponding updates in the admissions forms. As of today they still work as they have been.

  • Guest commented
    May 12, 2020 14:28

    Glad this change was implemented! Thank you!

  • Guest commented
    March 26, 2020 14:29

    This is an important issue to our constituents as well as our core school value. We are disastrous with the “other” option as gender nonconforming students and parent find it offensive at worst and uneducated at best.

    We need this field to be updated and even customizable.

  • Janet Wittenberg commented
    March 25, 2020 21:19

    I hope you are all doing well despite the unprecedented circumstances we find ourselves in here in 2020. We are defining our changes to accommodate more options in Gender. If you are able to make the time, we would really appreciate your responses to this brief survey.

    At the end of the survey, you have the opportunity to add your contact information if you can be available for a discovery call with our development team to review your answers and inform our prototype decisions.

    Thank you for your patience!

  • william pickett commented
    March 03, 2020 01:52

    Sheena's comment that we should use "non-binary" is a great choice to change the status from "other".

  • Guest commented
    March 03, 2020 00:07

    Yes the option of non-binary needs to replace other. Language matters and we need to give our community the options they deserve to have. We need to be proactive in implementing this change to embrace being more inclusive.

  • Karen Wootton commented
    March 02, 2020 15:56

    I agree with those who have posted comments already that this is very frustrating for us as well, in our attempts to be an inclusive school community. Can Blackbaud please let us know how this is being addressed, and what the timeframe will be for updating our application process?

  • Meredith Kirchner commented
    November 25, 2019 16:42

    Please add this feature - the comments go back to 2015.  I can't believe it hasn't happened yet.  I know you've added an "other" choice but that is not a solution.  As an inclusive school community, we need our applicants to be able to indicate their gender using their own words.  Please consult experts and fix this asap.

  • Guest commented
    September 30, 2019 17:56

    Same here. We are getting ready to move to your database and I am anticipating this being asked in the first few weeks of deployment. I am hoping by the time we deploy next year, this is resolved.

  • Scott Minkoff commented
    September 10, 2019 21:40

    Wow. This has been in discussion for a long time. As a former developer, I understand an empathize with the complexity of this change. But it has been a long time since the discussion started...

  • Steve Owen commented
    August 20, 2019 16:38

    It would be great to get an update on this. As of today, 8/20/2019, it has been over 14 months since we last received an update on this issue via this thread and the option still is not available.


    I can edit gender table entries on RE database view - why not here? When will this happen?

  • Nicole Pennington commented
    August 02, 2019 16:11

    Some states have other recognized genders that appear on birth certificates now.  In California, birth certificates now show either male, female or nonbinary.  With this, we are legally required to offer nonbinary as an option.  Simply having "Other" is not accurate or specific enough.  This should be a field where we can customize the options for our community and to align with state law.

  • Guest commented
    July 18, 2019 17:18

    This has been detrimental to us in Education Edge and now that we've decided to go to Blackbaud Education Management for higher ed and see that the gender issue has not been resolved yet is quite unfortunate.  Understanding that long term the field may be configurable, is there any chance a stop gap could be added by changing "other" to "nonbinary" just so it's a little more terminology correct and not offensive to our students?

  • Brenda Diaz commented
    June 19, 2019 22:31

    "Nonbinary" is now considerd a third gender in the state of CA. "Governor Brown signed Senate Bill (SB) 179 (Atkins, Ch. 853, Stats. 2017) on October 15, 2017. Effective January 1, 2019, this legislation allows individuals applying for an original or renewal Driver License (DL) or Identification card (ID) to self-certify to their chosen gender category of male, female, or nonbinary." (

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