Self-schedule Access from Candidate Checklist

Candidates should be able to self-schedule for interviews just as they can do for all events. Candidates shouldn't see a difference between what is considered an "event" versus a "self-scheduled interview or visit" on the back-end. The system now only allows the parent of a candidate to self-schedule.

  • Guest
  • Dec 4 2018
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  • Lauren Dennis commented
    February 01, 2019 21:11

    YES! It's so un-welcoming and not inclusive to force parents only to schedule interviews and visits. Many of our candidates are applying on their own with little parental support, or their parents don't speak English. It puts our applicants in a tough position when we forbid them from scheduling things that they need to complete an application and it sends a very unfriendly message about how supportive we are of those from less advantaged backgrounds. What is the rationale behind barring students from managing this process of their own application, but allowing them to sign up for Events?