Allow user to upload files to a checklist even after enrollment

Once a candidate is enrolled, if a school still needs a few files (such as immunizations) from the, it would be nice if checklists continued to allow file submissions.

This idea is similar to, but not the same as:

But is more EMS-centric

  • Joe St.Clair
  • Jun 19 2020
  • Unlikely to implement
  • Attach files
  • Anita Pinkerton commented
    May 10, 2021 18:02

    Student Checklists rock! I highly recommend creating a new set of checklists that apply to a student immediately after they are enrolled. You can make them a requirement to complete before the student is on campus. We have fully integrated the New Student Checklist into our processes.

  • Sarah Bienvenue commented
    June 19, 2020 19:41

    Hi Joe, we have student checklists set to come out for general release towards the end of July/beginning of August, this will allow incoming students and students to have their own checklists for re/enrollment purposes.