Half Day vs. School Day Parent Selection on Enrollment Contracts

As an admissions manager I would like the ability for parents to be able to indicate if the student will be enrolling in half day vs. full day (or 5 day vs. 3 day) via the School Program field when submitting their enrollment contract. This field should then control logic on the contract for it to then display either the half day or full day tuition based on the parent selection.

Currently, we need to send out a School Form to capture this prior to generating the contracts so that we can update the School Program on the student contact card to have the correct tuition rate generated.

  • Bryan Lorenzo
  • Sep 12 2024
  • Attach files
  • Ash Smelkinson commented
    12 Sep, 2024 01:29pm

    We have multiple plans (9 month vs full year, morning vs full day) and handle it by using the lowest common denominator as the Tuition, and then each other option as an added fee.