Capture contract initial and signature data

Context: Our organization has recently seen a completed contract show empty white boxes for the parent's initials and question marks for their signatures. It led us to wonder how many other contracts have these inaccurate (and perhaps non-legally binding) characters on such a critical document? Currently, there is no way to access the parent's initials and signature unless we manually visit each contract. With over 1,000 contracts to review, there is no efficient way to verify if the parent initials and signature are accurate.

Request: We would like a data set (or report) made available within BBEM to provide responsible signer information along with the initials and signature used in completing the contract. This report should also indicate if these values match or are inaccurate.

Business Case: Without the system verifying if initials and signatures are accurate, it falls on the organization to manually review each contract for accuracy. As it stands currently, a parent could use any combination of characters to sign such a critical document. We are currently seeking outside counsel to better understand the legal ramifications of an inaccurate signing.

  • Justin Litalien
  • Mar 25 2025
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    • Rayna Moorcroft commented
      25 Mar 20:39

      As our contracts are password protected through the parents' login, if we can have the signature preloaded with their name and all they would have to do is submit the contract. This would avoid inaccuracy signatures, and/or Chinese characters (or any other language does not utilize standard alphabet) coming through as question marks or other symbols.

    • Mathieu Farrugia commented
      25 Mar 17:33

      +1. At the very least ALL fields on a contract completed by responsible signers (intials, signatures, payment plan selection, deposit choice, etc.) should be available as columns in Contract Lists.