Required fields with check boxes for families to select on contracts
We need the ability to to create customizable checkbox fields that they can include on the contracts. Families would need to check these off in addition to signing/accepting on the review screen.
We also need the ability to include additional required fields, such as the following checkbox items
Electronic Signature of parent(s)/guardian(s):
- By submitting this document electronically, which bears my name and my signature, to the School, I hereby acknowledge that I am financially responsible for the above-named Student , that I have reviewed all the pages of this enrollment contract, and that I agree to abide by the provisions of the enrollment contract and all the materials incorporated in it.
- I have read and understand the Parking Policy.
- I have read and understand the Disclosure and Consent to Use Electronic Enrollment Contract."
I would also like to be able to include radio buttons to confirm choices that tie into the database for reporting purposes.