Opt in/Opt Out for School Programs with Initials

Within Contracts we would like to have a way to request parents to enter their initials or to check a certain field that they have read something and agree or not agree to something. Adding a level of form fields to the applications that gives parents options to opt in or opt out of certain things rather than bulk agree to everything.

Currently its an all or nothing but some things like counseling where they have the option to participate it is just accepted as is unless the parent formally submits a letter to request their child not participate. There are critical elements that we want the parents to be able to have as options to opt into or out of that takes away the need for a formal letter.

By not having the option to have fields that the parent can agree/opt in or disagree/opt out there is a liability to Blackbaud as well as our school per our lawyers because the contract doesn't allow for the options to agree to specific requests.

As a second part to this we would also like to be able to print a blank form in a clear PDF structure also a backup to the electronic forms for parents who refuse to sign something electronically. This would give us a way to generate a contract for the parents to sign that takes into account any changes to the contract that the parent may propose and allow for the school to be able to collect a signature.

  • Meredith Sperling-Jeffers
  • Dec 3 2015
  • Attach files
  • Ruth Loy commented
    February 11, 2022 19:41

    Please allow us the option to make the initial field optional and not always required.

  • Ruth Loy commented
    February 11, 2022 19:39

    Yes, please make this option possible.

  • Anthony Trumbo commented
    December 15, 2015 16:27

    The initialing or allowing of multiple signatures per contract is also what is keeping us from being able to implement online contracts.