Extended Time on Assessment for Specific Students

When setting up an assessment, you can’t set the length of time for individual students but only for the entire class. Sometimes we have students who receive extended time as a learning accommodation. Is this something that might be possible in the future?
  • Peter Antupit
  • Aug 25 2015
  • Implemented
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    • Carolynn Parisi commented
      April 13, 2020 17:59

      No - that does not work that is for extending a due date - It does not work for a timed assessment. I have spent many hours with Blackbaud support regarding this problem. They have told me that when you do a timed assessment, there is no way to do what I am requesting. I just went around this issue again with them last week.

      Carolynn Parisi

      Director of Technology

      Mount Saint Mary Academy

      Watchung, NJ 07069

      908-757-0108 x5030

    • Angela Addison commented
      April 13, 2020 17:39

      Hi Carolynn, you can use the existing extend feature here, no?

    • Carolynn Parisi commented
      April 13, 2020 14:12

      From what I see, you can only grant the extension of time to a student when the assessment is created. I understand that the intent of that is for students with IEP or 504 accommodations. But we often have student who do not complete a timed test in the stated time, and need 5 more minutes to finish (so you are granting them extra time- but at the end). It does not look like this can be accommodated by this fix? I was not able to grant a student time to go back in and finish an assessment after the time expires ��� RETAKE is not an option as that blanks out the entire test. We just want to say that a student can go back in and finish after time expires. That is a normal thing our teachers do all the time.

      Carolynn Parisi
      Director of Technology
      Mount Saint Mary Academy
      Watchung, NJ 07069
      908-757-0108 x5030

    • Angela Addison commented
      April 13, 2020 13:30

      Alexander I believe the release notes went out on Saturday but although they did describe the functionality there weren't screenshots. Documentation is working on changes to our help docs to reflect all of the assessment enhancements so that will be coming soon. In the meantime I hope this helps! You can see in this screen the link where the arrow is that says adjust individual student times. This will be enabled as soon as at least one section to publish to is selected (since the UI has to know which sections the assessment is being created for in order to know which student lists to present.) When the teacher clicks on that, they will get the pop-up of student names shown below. If more than one section is selected the student names will be grouped by section. The time will default to the time to complete that they entered in the settings screen but they can adjust individual students for whatever their time is and it will be applied to the timer.

    • Paul Mlakar commented
      April 13, 2020 13:05

      Thank you!

      Paul Mlakar
      Director of Academic Information Systems | Scheduler
      Mathematics Teacher | Academic Team Coach | SAT/ACT Site Supervisor

      St. Mark's School of Texas
      10600 Preston Road | Dallas, TX 75230
      214.346.8451 | MLAKARP@smtexas.org


    • Guest commented
      April 13, 2020 12:14

      Implemented, but is there documentation on how? I'm not seeing anything in the KBs. I would love to announce this today to teachers!

    • Carolyn Stevens commented
      March 30, 2020 22:26

      Wonderful, Angela~

      This would be especially helpful now that our teachers have moved to using more online assessments for distance learning...

      From one of our teachers:

      "I have several students with testing accommodations and was wondering if there was a way to create an assessment that allows those students to get double the time of their classmates? Any feedback or recommendations are welcome. A brief history…I used the assessment tool before, but gave all of the students the same time to complete the quizzes. Some of the students with extended time have concerns about this arrangement as they feel it put them at a disadvantage. I want to be able to work something out for them as we go forward with the online assessments."

    • Alex Orlebeke commented
      March 27, 2020 21:56

      That's great to hear! Please feel free to add me and/or our school to the list of early testers if you need feedback.

    • Angela Addison commented
      March 27, 2020 11:26

      We are pivoting from our regular roadmap work to try and get some of the bigger requests that are making it hard to deliver online learning tackled. I'm putting this first on the list!

    • Karen McKenzie commented
      March 26, 2020 21:31

      PLEASE Fast track this! Especially not giving the circumstances for the remainder of the school year.

    • Karen Ulric commented
      March 24, 2020 23:50

      This would be extremely helpful.

    • Guest commented
      March 24, 2020 20:07

      As a learning specialist, I would LOVE to have length of time set up as part of Blackbaud to use for the accommodation of extended time attached with the learning profile. I believe that this will put subject teachers at ease if it is made convenient to use. Now that we are online learning for an undetermined amount of time, it is most definitely needed. Thank you for your consideration.

    • Karen Inglese commented
      March 24, 2020 16:32

      This would be very helpful as we rely more on online assessments.

    • Kevin Miller commented
      March 24, 2020 13:36

      This would be a very useful addition - something tied to the student's profile would be really good.

    • Austin Ewachiw commented
      December 03, 2019 20:15

      Please merge this idea with 

    • Cera Marsh commented
      November 22, 2019 14:13

      The ability to do a user override to extend time for our students with testing accommodations would be helpful to us as well.   Also having the ability to export and print assessments would be helpful when students need them broken into chunks and taken at different times.

    • Guest commented
      December 11, 2018 16:07

      I agree. Very important to have this option since there is no such thing as a "standard" classroom these days. Every class I teach has at least one student with an extra time accommodation requirement.

    • Guest commented
      November 18, 2016 18:02

      I would hope that adding this feature would also allow a student's time to be extended if the teacher allowed a continuation of the assessment. As it stands now, our way to allow a student to continue after the due date for the assessment is to extend the due date for the entire section. Making this due date more granular might help with continuations of the assessment and with allowing a retake.

    • Guest commented
      February 04, 2016 23:52

      Definitely necessary with all the extra time accommodations. 

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