Role to allow defined User to email Roster

I would like for there to be an option to give a specified User access to email a Academic Group. For example if we have a Parent that is the Head of that Courses activities, I would like for that Parent to be able to bulk email the Roster to send out activities. We are aware the Owner and or Manager of the Group can copy and paste the emails into an email to the Parent but this is not Ideal because if the Parents have updated their emails, the Parent wont have a copy of the new emails therefore the Owner/Manager would need to send the updated email address list to the Parent each time the Parent needs to send a communication to ensure its the correct email address. Currently we have a Community Group setup so the Parent can be a Owner of this Group so they can email the Members accordingly. We would like a more streamlined process.

  • Jamie Hardy
  • Aug 22 2016
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