How do we exclude students from "taking" a test/assessment when they are home "sick."

The assessment /testing feature of onCampus is rendered useless when one has to give a test to students and anyone from at home can open the assessment, make copies, study the questions, memories, lookup, etc. It seems to me that this feature was not designed by teachers or with good educational principles in mind.  How can one use a feature that is so vulnerable- any student who stays home ill can open the test when the rest of the class is actually taking the test in school.  

We need to be able to exclude students who are absent from taking, opening the tests/assessment.  Without thisfeature this aspect of the program is not useful for for educators and it goes without saying it is not of profit for students either.  

This needs fixing.   I have not been able to use this assessment feature since we first got onCampus because I immediately saw this problem and it has not been fixed. This needs to be fixed at a higher level- not at the school level.  


Thanks,  Julian Gonzalez, Columbus High School Miami, FL 

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  • Sep 22 2016
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    • Guest commented
      November 05, 2018 21:19

      I completely agree with Julian. This is definitely something that needs to be fixed. Hopefully, it will be fixed soon.


      Dr. Delgado, Lake Mary Preparatory School, FL