This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit K12OC-I-1891 Do not tag tardy students as absent when an assignment is given or when due..
In the new, easier to use gradebook, an "A" indicates that a student was absent that day. Unfortunately, it also indicates that a student was Late that day. These are two very different events, and a student marked Late should not have an "A" indicator in the grade book. Ideally it would be "L" or "T" for tardy, but even no label would be better than an "A"
It would be great to have Tardy show up since Parents get confused when it shows A for absent and the student was only late to class.
My teachers are complaining about this. It's actually counter-productive. They'd rather have no attendance indicator than one that is incorrect.
I agree 100% with this. When a teacher is looking at their gradebook and wants to know if they should allow additional dates for an assignment to be completed, being tardy to a class the day an assignment was due or assigned is completely different than being late to a class period.