Gradebook Absent & Tardy should distinguish between if it was date assigned or date due

Our teachers are confused about the A or T appearing if the student is absent/tardy on the day it was assigned or the day it was due. There is no indicator of WHEN they were absent/tardy. Was it the day it was assigned or was it the day it was due. So with this assignment for instance. What day was the student absent?? This is how teachers would determine if they have extra time to turn in the assignment.

  • josceline reardon
  • Sep 10 2021
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Melissa Battis commented
    19 Sep, 2021 08:23pm

    While it is clear, if I hover on the Absent indicator whether or not a student will be absent or was absent, when I am trying to quickly and easily look at a gradebook and see what is going on, it is impossible to see whether a kid is absent when it was assigned (I couldn't care less about this since it was posted online) or when it was due (this is important to know). It would be nice if you can choose what is shown and not have both be the same marker.

  • Ben Leddy commented
    13 Sep, 2021 12:15pm

    This can be found out by hovering over the Absent indicator with your mouse.