Attendance notes for Absent Due and Absent Assigned

In Grade Book on a student's progress channel there are notes for Absent Due and Absent Assigned. However, if a student is not absent but is actually tardy these notes are confusing to parents. I would like an option to be more specific in the notes on the progress channel.
  • Lee Munro
  • Aug 27 2015
  • Attach files
  • Margie Llinas commented
    October 03, 2019 00:49

    It is confusing for students and parents to see the note "Absent when assigned" or "Absent when due" when it was really a tardy. That needs to be distinguished in the notes for parents as it is in the gradebook (where it shows either T or A).

  • Kara Martone commented
    March 18, 2019 15:16

    Commenting again that we really want this feature to be something we can turn on and off - not be forced to use. Most of our teachers really dislike all the "A"'s cluttering their gradebook

  • Kara Martone commented
    September 25, 2018 13:57

    Please let this be something we can turn on and off. It is a real pain point for many of our teachers!

  • Kara Martone commented
    October 05, 2017 12:35

    The "A" indicator really should be an optional feature that people can turn on and off. Teachers and students, as well as parents, are finding this confusing.

  • Corrine Duncan commented
    September 25, 2017 21:49

    Love the visual indicators in the grade book but would prefer to have the tardy show as tardy as it does cause a bit of confusion for all concerned and the reaction of our teachers becomes to not enter the tardy.  Creating an unwanted benefit for our students :) .  I would love to see the indicator correctly showing a T for Tardy and a A for absence or leave of any indicator there when tardy.

  • Stanley Golanka commented
    September 19, 2017 19:35

    Yes! Well, in the new grade book, if a student is marked late, an "A" appears.  Instead of A for absent, it should be T for Tardy or L for late--or nothing at all. (Added as a separate case: 

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