New idea
Color code classes and assignments (and let teacher's set these colors if possible to give them more look/feel control).
Nathan Still
Oct 16 2018
Blackbaud Learning Management
Academics (General)
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Related ideas
Students would like to color code assignments by course
Grade Book assignment types color coded
Allow greater formatting options (including styling) to assignments and assessments
Allow parents to "color code" children to differentiate assignments by child on the calendar
Ability to assign a color to the blocks on a schedule
Color Code Gradebook
In the teachers' assignment center, color an assignment as green (i.e. complete) if the number of assignments graded is greater than or equal to the enrollment count
Color code the ratings and computations in mastery settings
Have a way, maybe the grade in a different color, to show that students have incomplete assignments for that class.
Assignments using Extra Credit should be color coded differently