When creating an assignment that is an OnCampus submission, teachers fill out a field that says "Mark Late after" which is essentially the time of day it is due.
On the student end in the Assignment Center, they see the due date, but not the time. With the shift to distance learning, one complaint from some of our students is that they do not know the due time of an assessment within a day, unless the teacher explicitly puts it in the assignment details. However, most of our teachers do not put the due time in the details because they already fill out the field for the due time. Even if the teachers did fill this out, the due time would not appear in the Assignment Center. Can a quick coding be enabled so that the due time would show up next to the due date in the Assignment Center?
Hi Angela,
I had entered this comment before I saw that it was implemented so I just chatted support and we were able to come to the same conclusion! Thank you for following up wiht me on this. I appreciate it. Everything's good now. It'll be a matter of me communicating this to my teachers. :)
@Gretchen what are you referring to? This idea was closed months ago because it was implemented. Students see asigned and due times in their list view as shown here - if the teacher puts a due time on it. In the first case below there was no due time entered so nothing displays but the others you can see. Can you elaborate on your issue?
Just discovered this was the case. Please fix this!
@Andrew Gargano awesome to hear! I know my students will appreciate this new feature as well
Yes, my son (who is a fresh man at the school I work in) just told me the due times are now appearing. That's great! Thank you to Blackbaud for adding this feature!
I'm not sure, but they may be able to as of today with the update that was pushed out this morning.
As of today, teachers can now add a "DUE TIME" to the assignment. I assume the student will be able to see the due time.