Make the assignment due time more user-friendly

The portal's due time is a consistent point of confusion for my students. The portal defaults to 11:59 PM.

I imagine that most teachers intend homework to be completed before class every day.

There are significant challenges for those of us on rotating schedules to setting that due time to the start of class. It's more labor intensive than is reasonable for someone teaching five (or more!) classes a day.

Thus we have options:

Set the assignment at 11:59 the night before or 8:00 AM the morning its due. This is problematic because on a page's assignment calender, student default settings hide "past due" assignments, so students might not even realize they missed an assignment if they wait until before school to do finish their homework, and sadly many of them do have this habit.

Leave the assignment due time at 11:59 and tell your students it must be done before class. And spend a whole year having students argue that their work isn't late because the portal says 11:59 PM.

I would love an option to disable that time stamp.

If we can't disable the time stamp, could there be an option to default the student assignment view for a class to a weekly calendar? That visual representation would probably be more useful than a list, and then the 11:59 PM the night before as a due time would be more useful.

Please consider the actual experience of students and teachers on this feature.

  • Guest
  • Sep 28 2022
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  • Guest commented
    21 Nov, 2024 01:03pm

    Having a default setting that was just the start or end of class would be nice as well. The LMS already has our bell schedule in it.