Identify Student's Class Year or Grade Level in Manage Holds Section/ Grouping Relationships with each Student

Class Years or Grade Levels should be next to student names when listed as an individual on Manage Exclusions page. We have several students who have the same name and it would be helpful to be able to identify them by class year when trying to delete the exclusion. Grouping relationships with each student would be helpful as well. There are many parents with the same names or different last names from their student(s). Right now each individual is listed by alphabetical last name. I end up having to search for the family using People Finder before deleting each exclusion.

  • Lauren Jackson
  • Jun 17 2021
  • Unlikely to implement
  • Jan 20, 2022

    Admin response

    Marked as unlikely to implement due to Holds replacing the Exclusions functionality in July 2021.

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