Build integration with OneDrive similar to Google Drive for assignment submission

There is integration built into LMS for google drive. Build similar integration for OneDrive for school that use the Microsoft M365 solutions.

  • Brian Hoyt
  • May 4 2022
  • Attach files
  • Tracy Brown commented
    21 Apr, 2023 03:18am

    We need this functionality. Not all schools use Google. We moved to 365 last year. This is one of the most requested feature requests we get from our teachers.

  • Kristin Heard commented
    6 Mar, 2023 03:36pm

    Absolutely. We are a Microsoft school and need this OneDrive integration. The lack of it may keep us from actually using the LMS.

  • David Lee commented
    6 May, 2022 12:55pm

    Great suggestion for Microsoft schools