Class periods display when adding an assignment

We believe that this used to be a feature, because it has always been there, but I've been told to add it to this forum so I'm adding it.  When teachers add an assignment through a course page, they should be able to see the periods listed for each section, not just the section number.  This is possible if you go through the Assignment Center, but used to be available if you added assignments through a class page as well.

  • Melissa Turner
  • Sep 8 2015
  • Attach files
  • Oona McKnight commented
    September 09, 2015 14:17

    Same problem in the Group Finder. If I change the section numbers to list the block, then it repeats on the class page. Much easier to identify the classes by block, especially for teachers with multiple sections of the same course or if someone else is trying to look up a roster or class page.