Allow resubmit - removes file that was uploaded

I would like to allow a student to resubmit but still be able to view his previously uploaded file, since I annotated some corrections the student could do to improve his grade.

  • J.P. Trudeau
  • Nov 13 2015
  • Attach files
  • Morgan Kunze commented
    20 Oct, 2021 09:00pm

    YES PLEASE. The original submission should remain available to both teacher and student so that they can compare.

  • Elaine Bregman commented
    28 Aug, 2018 09:03pm

    While I appreciate the new update that allows students to resubmit assignments, it allows a student to delete their previous upload when they hit resubmit. We would like to prevent students from deleting previous uploaded files so that a teacher can view the revisions the student made to the original file.