Type M, E, or I directly into grade box rather than double click to press button

I suggest that teachers should be able to enter an M or E, etc. directly into the box where you put a grade to mark an assignment as Missing or Exempt, etc. Not only would it be less complicated than having to double click on the grade box and press the appropriate button, but it would be immediately obvious to the teacher why there isn't a grade in that box.

  • Erica Chavez
  • Mar 1 2016
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Michael Morrissette commented
    July 09, 2024 20:31

    Hi Folks -

    This can be done via the Gradebook shortcuts.


  • Ruth Wilson commented
    March 13, 2016 21:41

    Rather than the grade box showing empty, it would be nice to see that it has been marked Missing or Exempt without having to double-click into it.  Maybe the M could trigger one color, and Exempt another color?