In the grade book, it would be nice to instantly see a capital 'E' (for Exempt) or a 'M' (for Missing) instead of having to rely on hovering over the red triangle for the blank box.

  • Guest
  • Oct 14 2016
  • Implemented
  • Jun 29, 2017

    Admin response


    I am happy to announce that we addressed this idea with the June 28th Gradebook Improvement release! 

    We are now exposing assignment status icons in the Gradebook so that teachers no longer have to drill down. Comments will show upon hover. No more mysterious red triangle! Here is the blog story detailing the updates. 

    Thanks for your feedback and helping us deliver better software! 


    Hi There,

    We're working on our Traditional Gradebook Improvements initiative. Removing the mystery of the red triangle is at the top of our hit list! 

    Here's a sneak peek at our prototype where we've exposed the Assignment Status icons. We're also planning on adding shortcut keys to make the data entry even easier. 

    The plan is to get these updates released this summer ahead of the 2017/2018 school year. 


  • Attach files
  • Jackie Christensen commented
    17 Jun, 2017 02:31pm

    Hi All!

    We have some pretty awesome updates headed to the onCampus Grade Book this summer! Check out our blog story: 

    The improvements include exposing the grade book status icons to Teachers and supporting shortcut keys. We're also going to be updating the Student Assignment Center to add better distinction between labels and actions. And we're adding status' for Incomplete and Missing so Student's have better insight into the Assignments they need to make up. 

    Here's a sneak peek at the prototype: 

    What do you think? Are we on track to resolving this request and getting this very popular idea closed out? Or is there something else we need to consider? 



    Senior Product Manager, onCampus & onBoard

  • Guest commented
    16 Nov, 2016 07:41pm

    I agree with both comments below.  The information about missing or late assignments is available, but it's not visible on the grade book grid and therefore requires additional steps frequently to determine whether an assignment is missing or the student has an exemption.  

  • Guest commented
    16 Nov, 2016 04:31pm

    The grade book is great at accepting a variety of details for each student, but teachers on our campus frequently comment that it loses its value from their grade book view once there are more grades and details recorded.  The assignment details are all easily accessible by the student, and adding this display feature would help teachers quickly identify patterns in missing/late/exempt assignments for some or all students.

  • Lisa Hellinger commented
    4 Nov, 2016 12:29am

    The triangle just tells me something is up, but not what. I find myself clicking on red triangles constantly because I don't remember why it is there.