News detail page formatting and related articles

Add the capacity to insert photos in the actual news detail article text, not just in the sidebar -- it makes the text much more appealing. Also, add a "related articles" component that will pull other articles from the same category, without repeating the current article.

  • Guest
  • Jun 21 2017
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  • Joe Ray commented
    March 12, 2020 20:24

    This would be a huge time-saver. The workaround I've instituted for now to get images inserted into a news article is as follows...

    1) I made a new category for News Stories Photos. For each news story that has multiple photos, I create an album and upload the photos I need.

    2) Once the album is created, I open the URL associated with that album. Opening each photo from the album in a new tab (I'm using Chrome in this example) gives a photo-specific URL you can use in a news story.

    3) Open the HTML button in the top-left of the Long Description editor of your news story. Insert the following HTML code where you want your photo: <img width="###" src="IMAGE URL" />. Fill in the right width for your website - we are using 800 for now. IMAGE URL needs to stay inside the quotes. Then click the green Update button.

    4) You might need to hit Enter near text before or after your photo for spacing purposes.

  • Amy Bresslour commented
    February 13, 2020 17:51

    This would be so impactful to our families and faculty.