allow more options for thumbnail image placement on news stories

I would like to have more options for how the images are rendered for news content categories. Currently, the image is rendered before the title of the story which limits the placement options to above the title, to the left, or to the right. I want to be able to place it below the title, date and author and inline with the brief description. Perhaps this could be added to the drop down menu in the style editor.
  • Guest
  • Aug 27 2015
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  • Guest commented
    11 Apr, 2017 12:12pm

    the options for image use in the news articles is extremely limited.  Imagery is increasingly important in web design, marketing, etc.  we have access to beautiful imagery but can barely use it in the news articles - it's so restrictive.

  • Guest commented
    30 Jan, 2017 09:27pm

    YES PLEASE!!!!

  • +1