Show Grad Date for Alumni in "Who's Coming" list on an event registration when "Show names of attendees" is selected

I would like the ability for Grad Date to show for Alumni in the "Who's Coming" list on an event registration when "Show names of attendees" is selected so that all attendees are visible as well as registrants who have entered their Grad Date from the Registration Field. Maybe add an optional field in the registration form to include the Grad Year for names of attendees. Otherwise, a new radio button coding that triggers both registrants with grad years and attendees to be visible.
  • Colleen McNeil
  • Aug 27 2015
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    30 Jun, 2016 07:21pm

    Totally agree with this need!  Better yet would be to have classes grouped together in the Look Who's Coming Section.

  • +1